FAQ - here you can find answers to frequently asked questions

CALC4XL is a light Microsoft EXCEL Add-In. Therefore you only have to provide Microsoft Excel 2010 or newer as well as a Microsoft desktop operating system on your computer. All further components (Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or newer, Microsoft Installer 4.5 or newer) are already on your computer or will be installed from the Microsoft webpage during the CALC4XL installation automatically.
Furthermore, you can always test the installation by downloading the CALC4XL test version here.
Yes, this can be done without any problems. You just need to install or simulate a Windows operating system with Microsoft Office on the MacBook. For example, you can use "Parallels Desktop" to install a virtual machine with a Windows operating system and Microsoft Office on your MacBook. Then you can install and use CALC4XL without any problems.
Contact us with pleasure. We will help you.
Log in to the CALC4XL website with your access data. If you do not yet have a CALC4XL access data, please register first.
Under your account you have access to the download centre in the dashboard. Click on the current CALC4XL version and the download will start automatically.
An installation guide can be found in the downloaded folder.
You can also contact us at any time.
Should you have an installation problem, please feel free to contact us.
Alternative you can login with your account and find manual and documentations in the Download Center.
When you open Excel, you should find a menu called CALC4XL. If this is not the case, it may be that your antivirus program is blocking COM add-ins. Please adjust your antivirus program or contact us for further support.
In the EXCEL options in the security center the add-ins should not be blocked. In the folder delivered by CALC4XL there is also a certificate that you can install if you want to allow only add-ins from trusted publishers. How to install the certificate can be found in the readme file in the delivered folder.
In addition, if you want to use the CALC4XL EXCEL templates (cost-breakdown, multi-bill of materials, etc.) you need to allow the macros in the EXCEL options in the security center.
We are always happy to help. Contact us at info@calc4xl.com or use our contact form.
If you are using Windows 10 with Office 2016, then you need to install the "Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime" before CALC4XL or the Mini-AddIn, because they are not automatically installed with Office 2016. You can download the installation file directly from Microsoft or here:
For any questions or help with the installation, please feel free to write to us anytime at info@calc4xl.com or use our contact form.
If you are using Windows 10 and have two or more screens, please make sure that the same size factor is set for both screens, otherwise software display problems may occur. To do this, please go to System in the settings and set the same "Size of text, apps and other elements" for all displays (screens). Recommended here is 100%.
We are happy to help you at any time. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at info@calc4xl.com or use our contact form.
The first steps in CALC4XL and various sample calculations are explained in the installation guide.
But we recommend a free web introduction to the CALC4XL system by one of our experienced cost engineers. Just write us a few appointment options at info@calc4xl.com or via our contact form.
After the installation you can press the question mark button in the Excel menu ribbon in the CALC4XL tab and download the differentiated overhead calculation manual there. However, you can also find this and more manuals under your account you have access to the download centre.
The first steps in CALC4XL and various sample calculations are explained in the installation guide.
In addition, you can calculate a component together with one of our experienced cost engineers via free web introduction. Just write us a few appointment options at info@calc4xl.com or via our contact form.
If you create a lot of cost calculations and would like to exchange them with customers and/or suppliers and/or edit them together, you have the following 4 options to exchange CALC4XL calculation files with your customers/suppliers.
- Simply send them the file.
The customers should then be able to open the file, but not overwrite the "critical Excel cells", as the files are protected with a sheet protection. You can expand/reduce the protected cells yourself by right-clicking on an Excel cell and selecting "Format Cells". Now you can protect/open the cells under "Protection".
Note: Nowadays there are password hacker softwares that delete the password within seconds.
- If the customer gets the CALC4XL trial version, he can open the document and even view the CALC4XL database modules. This is even possible after the trial licence has expired, but only in read-only mode.
- Prepare a cost breakdown file for sending: Click on "C4XL File Data" -> "Prepare actual file for users w/o CALC4XL full version" in the CALC4XL menu. A new file should then be generated that is completely without CALC4XL. Note: This file then no longer has a database connection, but is a pure Excel file.
- Alternatively, you can delete each CALC4XL file from CALC4XL and the database by clicking on "C4XL File Data"-> "Show all CALC4XL File Data" in the CALC4XL menu and then clicking on "Delete all CALC4XL Data" in the window that pops up. The file is then a normal Excel file without sheet protection!.
If you need support, please contact us at info@calc4xl.com.
CALC4XL - a smart, very affordable product costing software for everyone: safe, understandable, stand-alone and yet fully Excel integrated.