Releases and general informations

In our release section you will find important program news, updates and general information about the software.

General notes

The release notes are divided into version sections.

Each section has a version number and contains the changes or adaptations that have been implemented in the CALC4XL software with this version.


You can determine the CALC4XL version you are currently using in the CALC4XL menu under the "License" item. Starting with CALC4XL version 1_0_14_201, the version number includes a compatibility number. If users use CALC4XL versions with the same compatibility number, they can exchange their calculations with each other. A user with a smaller compatibility number must update his CALC4XL version before opening any calculations.

Please select the version range:
  • (2024-05-21)
  • (2024-01-12)
  • (2023-11-06)
  • (2023-08-03)
  • (2023-03-01)
  • (2023-02-07)
  • (2023-02-06)
  • (2023-02-03)
  • (2023-02-01)
  • (2022-07-01)
  • (2022-12-15)
  • (2022-12-01)
  • (2024-05-21)
  • (2024-01-12)
  • (2023-11-06)
  • (2023-08-03)
  • (2023-03-01)
  • (2023-02-07)
  • (2023-02-06)
  • (2023-02-03)
  • (2023-02-01)
  • (2022-07-01)
  • (2022-12-15)
  • (2022-12-01)


Functions CALC4XL version without CO2 licence

New compatibility number for CALC4XL version

CALC4XL version comes with the new compatibility number "25". This means that if you receive a CALC4XL file created with this new version but you still have an older CALC4XL version installed, the CALC4XL system will prompt you to install a new CALC4XL version.


Note on the CALC4XL update
Updating CALC4XL without first uninstalling a previous version is only possible if the compatibility number has not changed.

CALC4XL material database

You can add your own materials to the CALC4XL material database.
From now on, an image and a document can be stored for each of your own materials and saved in the database. To do this, activate the editing mode, for example to add an image and/or a description. These changes must then be saved in the CALC4XL material database.

When you select the material, the files are displayed automatically.
Images are enlarged by hovering with the mouse. Documents can be opened by clicking on the link (file name).


This function requires the CALC4XL Benchmark database delivered with this CALC4XL version or higher. This function is not available when using older CALC4XL benchmark databases. 

Material database: Edit mode
Material database: View mode

CALC4XL machine database

You can add your own machines to the CALC4XL machine database.
From now on, an image and a document can be stored in the database for each of your own machines. To do this, activate the editing mode, for example to add an image and/or a description. These changes must then be saved in the CALC4XL machine database.

The files are automatically displayed when the machine is selected.
Images can be enlarged by hovering with the mouse. Documents can be opened by clicking on the link (file name).


This function requires the CALC4XL Benchmark database delivered with this CALC4XL version or higher. This function is not available when using older CALC4XL benchmark databases. 

Machine database: Edit mode
Machine database: View mode

CALC4XL Wage calculator

In the wage calculator, the wages are date stamped.
The wage calculator now has a graphical display of wage data over time.
The graphical representation visualizes the wage data as follows
- Blue Line: currently selected skill,
- Orange dot: concrete value for the selected date

Wage calculator: graphical display of wage data over time

If your own wage data is stored, it will be displayed in an additional line.

The standard wage data from the CALC4XL database is always displayed.

Wage calculator: graphical display of wage data over time with own wage data

Functions on CALC4XL website

Collaboration between CALC4XL and our customers

In order to make collaboration with our customers more effective, it is possible to exchange files via our website in a protected area.
We can provide you with targeted files for download and give you the opportunity to upload files to our website.

Upload area

License management

License management is carried out entirely via the CALC4XL website, both for nodelocked licenses and floating licenses.

The company administrator has the opportunity to view all used and still open licenses in the profile dashboard.

Company admin: License view

Use CALC4XL license

Nodelocked license

If you are using a nodelocked license, you will receive your personal CALC4XL licence key from your company administrator who manages the CALC4XL licenses or directly from CALC4XL.

Floating license

Floating licenses can now be hosted on the CALC4XL Floating License Server.

You need a CALC4XL account, to access to the CALC4XL floating license server and use a floating license.

If you do not yet have a CALC4XL account, please register first on the CALC4XL website: (english site) / (german site).

You can access the CALC4XL floating license server by logging in with your CALC4XL account details. Now you can retrieve and return a floating license from the CALC4XL license server. 

Log in and activate CALC4XL floating license server
Retrieve a floting license from CALC4XL floating server

Further changes

Performance improvements of the CALC4XL Super-BOM

Opening and running the CALC4XL Super-BOM could be very slow in certain cases. Measures have been taken here to accelerate these actions.


If the CALC4XL modules only open slowly, then it is usually because the central database is connected with poor bandwidth => connect locally and synchronize regularly via CALC4XL-> database actions -> copy your own data

General optimizations

- Fixed minor bugs when copying, moving, deleting in the Super BOM and the dropdown visualization (dropdowns were sometimes displayed incorrectly in the Super BOM).

- General stability improvements

New functions CALC4XL version with CO2 licence

New CALC4XL module: CO2-Emission logistic calculator

The first version of the brand new CO2e transport calculator has been released.

You can calculate the CO2-Emission in order to different types of packaging and transportation.

The logistics calculator can be linked to any Excel cell from Cost Breakdown, Super-BOM or your individual calculation template.


Select the Excel cell in which the CO2 value for packaging and transport should be output. Clicking on the right mouse button opens the context menu. Select the C4XL: Logistics CO2e function. The CALC4XL logistics calculator opens. Now you can calculate the CO2 emissions for the corresponding packaging and transport types. This calculation is linked to the selected Excel cell.

You can repeat this process on each Excel cell to calculate additional CO2 values for packaging and transport types.

Please note that the CO2 values for transport usually change depending on the location.

Start logistics calculator CO2e

You can calculate the CO2 emission for logistic after connecting the CO2e logistic calculator with an excel cell.

CALC4XL module: CO2e logistic calculator

You have questions e.g. about the system requirements - then browse through our FAQs. Here we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions for you.

A pictogram of a tool box
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