Releases and general informations
General notes
The release notes are divided into version sections.
Each section has a version number and contains the changes or adaptations that have been implemented in the CALC4XL software with this version.
You can determine the CALC4XL version you are currently using in the CALC4XL menu under the "License" item. Starting with CALC4XL version 1_0_14_201, the version number includes a compatibility number. If users use CALC4XL versions with the same compatibility number, they can exchange their calculations with each other. A user with a smaller compatibility number must update his CALC4XL version before opening any calculations.
CALC4XL benchmark database: country data
The country-specific energy costs was updated.
CALC4XL Super-BOM: BOM import expanded
With the BOM import, it is now also possible to import manufactured parts. Previously, only assembly, material, purchased and process were possible.
In addition, the BOM import has been further optimized.
CALC4XL Super-BOM: Add AI part
The AI can now also be used in the Super-BOM in both Super-BOM templates (pure cost and CO2e template). Right-click on any level in the CALC4XL Super-BOM and select the function "C4XL: Add AI Part".
CALC4XL database update
If you use a CALC4XL benchmark database in which you have created your own data (e.g. machines, materials, file templates, prices, etc.), you can transfer your own data to a new standard CALC4XL benchmark database using the database exchange module.
The database exchange module has been expanded so that the pre-calculated components and the trained AI are now also transferred from the CALC4XL benchmark database to the CALC4XL benchmark database (function "DB: Copy Own Data").
CALC4XL CO2e-Cost Breakdown CO2e expanded: Logistics calculator integrated
The logistics calculator is now integrated in the template "CALC4XL_CO2e_Cost _Breakdown_AI.xlsx".
Open the “Logistics calculator” module by double-clicking on the Excel cells linked to the logistics calculator.
CALC4XL Cost Breakdown CO2e expanded: CO2e calculation for various CO2 calculation bases
The CALC4XL CO2e Cost breakdown has been expanded on the CO2 side to include the PEF, ISO, PAS distinction.
The PEF is the European Commission's guideline for implementing an ISO and PAS-compliant CO2e calculation. We therefore recommend the PEF calculation.
The PEF calculation is preset in the CALC4XL CO2e Cost breakdown.
However, even before this directive, another standard derived from the ISO or PAS standard was established in the industry, as there was no implementation guideline until then. This standard has different cut-off criteria and ignores issues such as material recycling, soil sealing, initial & fixed CO2e values of the hardware such as the CO2e load from the manufacture of machines and the vehicle fleet itself (as opposed to variable CO2e emissions due to the use of the hardware. ). This calculation logic can be selected by ISO or PAS if desired.
You have questions e.g. about the system requirements - then browse through our FAQs. Here we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions for you.